Morning Sun Café - 아침해 카폐
Congratulations, Kwan
Jang Nim!
I know you are very
happy and proud of your new web site!
It is obvious that you
and Instructor Cook and have spent many hours and have worked very hard to
create and perfect this web site. I have looked at several of the areas, but
will need lots more time to look at each section.
What a tremendous amount
of information. You came to a new country to fulfill your dream of creating a
martial arts academy. This dream has been successfully accomplished.
I wish you equal success
in this new journey with your personal website.
I am proud to be a
member of Yu's Academy!
Thank you and continued
Good Fortune!
Gisele McGaughy
방문하신그대의 모습이 너무나 아름 답읍니다 -향기나는 MSCcafe아침해 카페 에서…
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